Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A cuteness...

Luke the Puke

L Little soot-black menace in the night

U Undulating sideways across the senseless brown carpet

K Kitten eyes like a cartoon, bold orange and orbishly innocent

E Endlessly chirping, honking, squealing and squawking your feline songs

F Flirting with Danny, or Danny’s pants when he’s not home

L Lord of the Kitty Fortress, five stories high – fearsomely he leaps!!!

O Often the connoisseur of most plentiful American toilet water

W Warrior, the sole ambushing force against the ill-tempered Crayfly!

E Entirely afraid of Bryan the Dog, the epitome of a Scaredy-Cat

R Roly-poly, tuck-and-roll, WATCH OUT you’re going to roll off the bed again!

S Shoelaces beware!!!

1 comment:

  1. I like "U" and "F" the best! I need to see him again. I will buy catnip spray and make myself attractive.
